Social Media Isn’t Just for “Marketing”

Unless you’ve been living under the proverbial rock, you’ve heard about how social media can be used for marketing your business. One side of marketing that is often overlooked is taking action to maintain your clientele. Social media is not just about marketing; it’s about building and maintaining relationships.

Most business owners know that it’s about 10 times more expensive to find a new client than to maintain a current client. There’s no perfect method to keep a client forever, but a great way is to build a strong relationship with them. Social media is a great way to build and maintain that relationship. By effectively using social media, we can do so much more than just advertise different aspects of business – we can have a full conversation and interaction with clients.

One of the leading reasons many clients take their business somewhere else isn’t because of price changes, but rather because they no longer feel appreciated – or perhaps they simply forget about the business. Many businesses score great reviews from clients for the work they do. The problem is that for some companies, it could be years between business transactions. While the client might be happy with the product or service they received, they could very easily forget about their experience, especially if there is no relationship.

With social media, that relationship can be built and developed. Social media isn’t just about promoting your business, it’s about having conversations between your business and your existing clients. By utilizing social media, you can build a strong relationship between your business and clients, therefore avoiding the added expense of needing to find a new client.

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