Category: Security

Astra security for WordPress

Astra Security for WordPress

A never ending and ever-evolving threat Cybersecurity threats are a never ending and ever-evolving issue for any small business. For a business to be successful

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Password Management Tools

Password Management Tools

Managing passwords can be overwhelming Your online presence and security is more significant than ever before. With each website, application, and service requiring a login,

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Hide wp-admin

Over the past few months we have been seeing a huge spike in the number of brute force attacks. These attacks can not only break

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Usernames to Block

Remember when you were a kid, and you needed a password to get into the tree fort? Not a bad security step. If you recognized

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Security by Obscurity?

In 2018, security on your website is a big deal. One security measure you may have heard of is “security by obscurity” or SBO for

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