The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
The common phrase, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” is often attributed to Aristotle. Aristotle, a philosopher born in 384 BC, had a knowledge and expertise on subjects such as physics, biology, economics, and politics. One area that he doesn’t get much credit for is being a great philosopher of SEO in 2021. I get asked often by clients and prospective clients, “what is the single, #1, most important, biggest thing I can do for SEO on my site?” With SEO, the truth is, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. With SEO, there is no single silver bullet idea or technique that will get you to the number one spot on Google. SEO has evolved to a much more throughout and strategized puzzle than it was in the early days. Back when SEO was first a thing, 1,000 backlinks from a random