Category: Email

WHy use WP SMTP Mail?

Why use WP SMTP Mail?

Improving the reliability of Contact Forms One of the greatest features many websites have is their contact forms. These contact forms provide an easy way

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Embracing Gmail

the basic webmail interface As you might guess, the owner of a website design and marketing company sends a lot of emails. Sending and

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Email icon on a smartphone

cPanel or Cloud Based Email?

Email is an indispensable tool for individuals and businesses alike. With the ever-increasing amount of spam cluttering our inboxes, it can be easy to forget why email is so important. Fortunately, there are two excellent options for managing emails:

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KISS Your Email Signature

In a nutshell, your email signature is a digital business card. As such, it should contain much of the same content: your name, telephone number,

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Email is a wonderful tool: with it, we can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world in seconds. As easy and simple as it is

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