What to do if your site gets hacked

So an article on what to do if your site gets hacked really has two versions: one if host with Full Scope Creative, and another if you host with a provider such as GoDaddy, HostMonster, or even SquareSpace. 

Let’s start with the second. If you host with GoDaddy, HostMonster or any of the big EIG providers and your site gets hacked…. I hope you’ve got some time to spare. You’ll need to call their (oftentimes overseas) tech support and work with them to get it fixed. Similarly, if you’re on a system like SquareSpace or Weebly, you’ll need to work with their tech support – and hope they are willing to look into the issue to get your site back up and running.

What about if you host your site with Full Scope Creative? It’s pretty simple – just reach out to us. You can call, text, email, Facebook message, or even message us via LinkedIn and let us know what happened. We will then get the site back up and running and you can go back to running your business. Pretty easy. What do we do when your site gets hacked? Through WordFence, we can perform a scan on your site to see which file(s) are corrupted. Then we work through our backups and resources to get the file(s) cleaned up and back in place. Finally, we’d look at the security configurations on the site to search for ways to increase the security offerings and stability on the site.

Truth be told, we rarely see hacks happen to the sites that are on our Security Essentials hosting plan. With all the security measures put in place, we’ve eliminated most hacks and minimized the damage that can be done if they do happen. Oftentimes, Full Scope Creative both be aware of and fix any issues well before the site owner finds out their site had issues at all.

Having your site get hacked is one of the most frustrating experiences a business can go through. It can take valuable time – time that most business leaders simply don’t have. Hosting with Full Scope Creative is a great way to avoid those headaches. 

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