Simple Ways to Keep Your Website Content Fresh

Things to keep your website content fresh

As mentioned in a previous article, One of the things we learned from the May 2024 Google algorithm leak, is the importance of keeping website content refreshed and relevant on a website. These regular updates communicate to Google that your business and website are active and relevant, and this can have a huge impact on your SEO. Updating your website doesn’t have to be complex or time-consuming. There are some simple things you can do to keep your website content fresh.

Update Old Blog Posts

It is never a good idea to simply let your older posts collect cyber-dust. You can go back to previous blog articles and continually add in new content. This could be text, images, statistics, figures, infographics, videos, anything really. 

As you write more and more articles, you’ll become a better and better writer. So as your writing skills improve, don’t hesitate to go back to those older blog articles and spruce up their punctuation or grammar or revise content to fit the current time. 

Aside from the SEO gains, doing this not only refreshes your content but also shows your audience that you stay current with the latest trends and information.

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are a great way to build trust and credibility with your marketplace and community. When you receive a new testimonial or review, be sure to include it on your website. Even a short, positive review can make a significant difference. While we rarely recommend having a full “Testimonials” page, we always love to sprinkle testimonials into a website design. If you get a great new testimonial from a key figure, you might even explore the idea of adding a second or third testimonial to your website. 

Closely related to testimonials are Client Success stories. Each month or so you could feature a new success story or case study from one of your clients. These stories and case studies can show the overall quality of your products or services. By updating the success stories, there are likely a few paragraphs and images that will change out each time. 

News and Announcements

Odds are, things are changing in your business. Maybe not significant changes, but changes that are worth sharing. These announcements and updates could be new hires, company milestones, sales, new blog articles, or even upcoming events. These updates can also help keep your audience informed and engaged with your business.

If things aren’t changing much in your business, your industry likely is facing some sort of change. Posting about significant events or trends in your industry can position you as a thought leader. Share your insights on recent developments and how they might affect your audience.


I’m willing to bet you get asked quite a few questions by your regular clients and customers. If you’ve been asked a question a second or third time, it’s probably a question you’ll get asked repeatedly. You can take any of those questions back to your website FAQ and add them in. By regularly adding new questions and answers to your FAQ, you can help keep your website content relevant and useful for your audience.

Along with going back and refreshing a blog article, it will never hurt to go back to the answers in your FAQ and refresh the content. Statistics, figures, charts, or ideas can change and evolve overtime. You might also be able to go back to an answer and simply add more text to the answer. Keeping your FAQs up-to-date ensures that your audience has access to the most current information.

Photos and Videos

There’s an old saying, that a picture is worth a thousand words. You can go back to your photos that have been up on your site for a while and update them with newer and maybe more modern photos. Doing this can (in a way) add in a new thousand words. Any photos of your product or services or key team members should be updated at least yearly so they continually look relevant. Visual media like images and videos are highly engaging and can significantly improve the user experience on your website.

Schedule Updates

To help keep your website content refreshed, create a simple content calendar to plan and schedule regular updates. Doing this can help to add consistency to the updates and refreshes that are happening on your website. From the Google algorithm leak, we know Google wants regular and consistent updates. So by scheduling it and planning for what content gets updated and when, you can keep the upper hand on your competition. 

Keep your website content fresh and engaging

By incorporating these simple, regular updates, you can keep your website content fresh and engaging without a significant time investment. Regular updates not only improve your search engine rankings but also enhance the user experience, encouraging visitors to return to your site. Best of all, these website updates never need to be overly complex or time consuming.

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