Including a Mission Statement on a Website

A good idea but a strategic move

A well designed website is essential for any business. Your website is your digital storefront and serves as a space to showcase your businesses products and services, engage with clients and potential clients, and build trust with the public. One element that can be overlooked is including a mission statement on the website. Many times, a mission statement can elevate a company’s brand and improve their client relationships. It’s not only a good idea but a strategic move to include your mission statement on your website.

Clarity of Purpose

A company’s mission statement defines their purpose. It outlines and explains why the business exists and what its goal is to achieve. By sharing your mission statement on your website, you’re providing visitors (clients and potential clients) with a clear understanding of your business goals.

When potential clients visit your site, they likely want to know more than just what your business has to offer. They often want to know why you’re offering the products and services you do. Your mission statement should explain the values and beliefs that guide your business. These values and beliefs can be a deciding factor for clients who are deciding whether to work with you or not.

Building Trust and Credibility

In order to convert a website visitor into a paying client, you must be able to develop a level of trust with the visitor. This level of trust should start being built as soon as that user arrives on your website. Your mission statement is a great way to showcase the authenticity of your business. By laying out your principles, beliefs, values, and objectives, you’re showing potential clients that you’re committed to something more than just making sales.

It could be your dedication to excellent customer service, providing cutting-edge solutions, or supporting a specific cause, sharing these values builds confidence in the mind of your prospects for your business. Visitors who align with those values will likely feel much more comfortable reaching out and iterating with your business.

Attracting the Right Audience

Not everyone or even every visitor to your website will become a client. Your mission statement helps to clearly define those that aren’t as good of a fit for your business. At the same time, the mission statement can help attract and peak the interest of the ones who are.

If your mission emphasizes supporting environmentally-friendly causes and ideas, you stand a better chance to  attract clients who share that same beliefs. Your mission statement is like a powerful magnet, always pulling in the clients who are aligned with your values and beliefs and not the ones that don’t.

Differentiating Your Brand

Businesses need to stand out in order to be competitive, and your company mission statement can help set you apart. Your mission statement will showcase what makes your business unique, while also highlighting the values that differentiate you from your competition.

While other companies may offer similar or comparable services or products, the way you approach your work is what differentiates your business and brand. Those differentiators are what bring customers back time and time again and make them invest even more into your business. 

Where Should You Place Your Mission Statement?

Having your mission statement on your website is obviously a good idea. The question now becomes, where should it be placed on the website? There are a couple of very common options for where the mission statement is placed. While these are the three common areas, there really aren’t any “wrong” places to place the mission statement.

About Us Page: The About page is an obvious place to showcase your mission. Visitors who go to this page are often looking for a more in-depth connection to your business, and the mission statement fits perfectly in that.

Homepage: If your mission is a key part of your brand, you could easily consider placing it on your homepage. Your mission statement (especially if paired with a value proposition) can make an immediate impact on visitors.

Footer: A possibly shortened version of your mission statement in the footer of your website ensures it’s always visible, no matter the page that a user might be on. Due to the limited size of the footer, it might need to be shortened a little. 

A powerful tool for building trust

Including your mission statement on your website is not a cheap branding exercise. Including your mission statement is a powerful tool for building trust and connection with visitors and can help attract the right clients. Your mission statement shouldn’t be just hung on a wall in your office. Share it with the world and showcase who your business really is.

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