Website Design Green Bay Blog

Our thoughts on website design, graphic design, marketing, SEO, website hosting, branding, business management, and more here in the Full Scope Creative blog!

adding personality to a website

Adding Personality To Your Website

Think of the Potentiality When You Add Personality To Your Website Here at Full Scope Creative, we often feature a movie or a song that ties into the topic we want to discuss. So, here goes, without further ado. Back in the early ages of music (No, not that far back)

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building held by pillars

4 Pillars Of Solid Websites

Introduction to the 4 pillars Imagine sitting at a table with 4 legs, and one of those 4 legs is removed. The table will very likely topple over or at the very least become unstable. The same is true for your website. There’s a lot that goes into making a

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watermelon by a computer

SEO Is More Than Just Digital

The many aspects of Successful SEO SEO is more than just digital, it’s kinda like trying to lose weight. A lot of people (like myself) have a goal to lose weight. But there’s a lot more to losing weight than just stepping on a scale. To be successful, you probably

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fonts on a page

A Font of Information

The growth of fonts When I first started learning to program websites, CRT monitors were the norm. Those monitors were like a massive boat anchor. They limited the number of colors shown. This then, became a domino effect for designers and programmers by limiting what colors we could use on

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what are ux and ui

What are UI and UX?

Are they the same? You’ve very possibly heard these two common initials with web design: UI and UX. It’s a common question I am often asked. Are they the same thing? Are they different? Is one more important than the other? If you were to ask UI and UX to

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looking over documents in front of a computer

Why SEO is Important

Optimizing SEO to Your Advantage Yes, once again we are delving into the complexities of Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short. We have realized how SEO seems complex, but once you understand the intricacies, it’s really apparent how it can help any business. So, let’s dive in and see

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seo audit

What Goes into An SEO Audit?

What Goes into An SEO Audit? When people hear of an SEO audit, they usually think of online tools that analyze how well a website is working. Think Raventools, Moz, and SpyFu to name a few. I’m here to say these types of tools are important after you build a

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Why isn't my webpage showing up to google

Why isn’t my page showing up in Google?

Why isn’t my page showing up in Google? For a lot of business owners, when they launch a new website, they have an assumption that it will magically show up in Google immediately. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Remember the great famous line in Field of Dreams, “If you

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Do Google changes scare me?

Do Google Algorithm Changes Scare Me?

Do Google Algorithm Changes Scare Me? In the classic 80s comedy Ghostbusters, there is a hilarious scene when the parapsychologists team is explaining to the mayor of New York City, that the city is headed for “a disaster of Biblical proportions.” “Old Testament, Mr. Mayor.” “Real wrath of God type

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